The Paxton Plow Co Culti Roller is a multi purpose soil finisher.
A loose ring, spiked, cast roller made from industrial components the Culti Roller is simple, strong and reliable.
Each individual ring segment is free to 'float' up and down on the central axle allowing the roller to apply a consistent pressure across the soil profile.
The Culti Roller is aggressive enough to follow after a Soil Renovator, deep ripper or similar and break up clods yet it is also gentle enough to follow behind a seeder to create the perfect seed bed.
The dimpled surface left by the Culti Rollers harvests water and helps prevent erosion caused by wind and water run off.
The Culti Roller is available as a mounted, linkage or trailed unit in sizes from 2.5m (8') and can be custom made to suit your application. Contact Us for more information.